


with Dr. Julia Alvarez

Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, 5:30 pm, Mondo Building, 501 W. Main St., Merced

Check out the Programs page for a schedule of other upcoming events!


During the holiday season, I hope you made some wonderful memories with family and friends and enjoyed the rains, clear air and mountain vistas. I also hope that you found time to rest, read, and reflect.  Speaking of reflecting and in preparation for our March 29th Yosemite trip, I began reading Guardians of the Valley by Dean King about John Muir (and his associates) who fought to protect and save Yosemite (and Hetch Hetchy) among other national treasures.
I have spent parts of every summer of my life in the Sierras. Because of that, I have developed a healthy respect for (some would say- fear of) the following; (1) early season snowmelt that turns placid creeks into roaring, raging, and deadly freight trains. (2) sloping granite outcroppings – especially when lightly-covered by gravel or water. Funny thing about granite – it doesn’t care how much it hurts you! (3) bears (though thankfully not the grizzlies of Muir’s time) -oh! – and timber-line rattlers – especially newborn ones that will deliver their entire lethal dose at once – just because they can.

All that said, I found reading the first third of Guardians of the Valley to be challenging. John Muir’s adventures covering the entire Sierra Nevada range (north to south and top to bottom) break EVERY rule in MY book. I expected adventure; I didn’t expect thrill-seeking to the extreme level. It is mind-boggling that Muir survived his exploits! BUT they were necessary to provide deep understanding and -more importantly- the will to fight to save (what was left of) many of our most treasured natural resources. Please read the book! You will recognize many place names and family names. It’s about OUR backyard after all!

Our first event of this new year is one you don’t want to miss! Dr. Julia Alvarez, a faculty member in the UC Merced Department of Medical Education (and Valley native), will be our presenter. She will discuss the evolution of medical education right here in Merced. I know that we are all excited about this opportunity for students (and us)!

Please join us!
Medical Education in the Valley
Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
5:30 pm
Mondo building (MCOE Downtown Professional Development Center)

Also – If you’re out near the UC, take a spin through the campus. There is an amazing amount of construction going on. The medical building that will support the medical education program is under way!

And so, dear AAUW members, we begin a new year. Let’s do this together!


